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Envisioning IWNW Future

“The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech, night after night they reveal knowledge.” Psalm 19:1-2

As I write our final WCM newsletter from our vacation apartment overlooking the morning ocean sunrise, my heart is full of gratitude for twelve years of enjoying ministry through the Women’s Center for Ministry. I’m grateful for Bev Hislop’s leadership in overseeing the birth and nurture of the center for its first twenty years. I’m grateful for Western Seminary’s providing a platform for us to carry out our calling to nurture and resource women. I’m grateful for the teams of women who have served faithfully through ten seasons of REVIVE and ten thrilling years of IGNITE. I’m appreciative of worship teams who have revealed to us the Lord’s glory, for keynotes who have blazed a trail for us into God’s holy Word, for breakout speakers who have fed us God’s truth on topics pertinent to women, relevant to our day. I’m grateful for writers who have etched words on our hearts from their articles and poems written for our monthly newsletter.

As I pause to ponder the closedown of WCM and how it has been used of God to unleash the power of the gospel in so many women’s lives, I can’t help but wonder what God might have in store for us in the next twenty to thirty years.  How might he want to use Inspiring Women NW to reach thousands of women in our NW region and beyond? Thirty years from now, I’ll be home in heaven, but by then hopefully at least two generations of younger leaders will have picked up the torch and run as Olympians to inspire and strengthen NW women for God’s glory. It’s been a great run, but I’m convinced we’ve only just begun! The best is yet to come! Don’t miss the glory! Come join us and be ALL IN as we venture together into the unknown with our great God who holds the future!

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